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Femmes Objets Series

In this series in black & white and with the same model. The artist represents what for him the object woman of the modern world is.

    From the Mani- Cartes Postales Series

    This series of photographs were taken for a European calendar. The idea was to create postcards with several countries on different continents, in the images the artist decided to clone the models.

      Les Acrobates Series

      This series was part of a calendar, and pays tribute to the art of the circus and its artists.

        Les Voiles Series

        Uwe Ommer wanted to try a series that revealed less of the body using different wet veils in bright colors to create this sensual effect.

          Marise Nature Series

          The artist explored nature and how the body can be part of these landscapes with the help of the model Marisa. He did not hesitate to brave the climate and landscapes of Iceland.

            Planet Plastic Series

            This safari series, Marisa in the Congo makes reference to plastic animals and her own plastic in the photos.

              Rue Mouffetard, 1964 Series

              1964, Uwe Ommer, a young 20-year-old photographer who recently arrived from Cologne, lives in a small room on Boulevard St-Marcel. Every weekend, he goes to the market on rue Mouffetard to photograph the inhabitants on the fly. These rare images are the testimony of a Paris that has now disappeared and that of one of its emblematic districts.

              Total, 1965 Series

              In this tender image taken in 1965. The artist documents Children playing at driving cars: with a soap dish which they turn into a toy.

                The Secret Album Series

                This series is born from a personal experience. The model's husband told Uwe Ommer an idea: he wanted to watch his wife with other men hiding behind the curtains. This is how the series was born, with a more erotic style than the others.

                Women and Trees Series

                These images represent women as close to nature as possible, to the point that we could get confused...

                  Do it yourself Series

                  In this series the artist wanted his models to stand on their own for once. Uwe Ommer put a trigger in the girls' hands. This series was produced for 7 years and resulted in a book of the same name.


                    ONLINE EXHIBITION

                    ONLINE EXHIBITION

                    Uwe Ommer artist

                    UWE OMMER

                     REPRESENTED ARTIST 

                    Uwe Ommer (born 1943 in Bergisch Gladbach is a German photographer). Uwe Ommer became fascinated with photography at a young age. Initially sparked by his interest in photographing birds, he received his first camera at age 14 and began experimenting with his limited equipment. By the time Ommer was 18, he had given up on birds but was improving his skills as a photographer. He began working as an apprentice in a camera shop and soon picked up side projects for local papers, shooting everything from car accidents to weddings, when staff photographers were unavailable.

                    In 2002, Uwe Ommer was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Royal Photographic Society for the impact of his lifetime of work.

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