The artist looks for a path between tangled branches. Reconfiguring a personal archive of diverse Colombian landscapes, experimenting with a variety of printing materials to reconstruct a whole from these fragments, recreating a forest in the center of Bogotá. Wynograd also examines a historical archive of landscapes, the roots of his own vision. He believes that the old mimetic dream of photography is still alive. These exercises aim to weave a series of visual connections and reflect on the complex web of interdependencies between humans and nature. If there is a light of hope in the midst of overlapping crises, it is the awareness that we all belong to a whole. Perhaps these images can help in that reflection.
Cordillera I Cauquenes. Landscape Pigment Print
Cordillera I Cauquenes, 2022
From the Series "Cordillera"
Pigment Prints
Color Edition Edition
Miguel Winograd is a Colombian photographer. After years of graduate study in Latin American History, he completed the documentary photography program at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York. His personal work explores the relationship between people and their environment, narratives of social conflict, and the dense interconnections of the Colombian landscape. Occasionally, he prefers to make portraits of trees. His work has been exhibited in New York, Berlin, Mexico City, and Bogotá, and published in different media, including The New York Times and The New Republic.