"The series, Entrelazar, is based on the selection of an urban element, the lamppost: a vertical element that rises above the urban landscape and is repeated in the city of Bogotá. The artist carries out the study where he allows the object to display its parts and generate a tangle of lines, knots, and even points that accumulate in layers to create a new landscape system.”
Añadidura 102, 2019
Añadidura 102, 2019
From the Series Entrelazar 2
Giclee Printed Photo on Matte Paper, Fine Art Paper
Dimensions: 62 H x 42 W cm.
Edition 2/8 + 1APUnframed
Javier Rey is a Colombian artist & photographer. His work has been shown in many collective exhibitions, one solo exhibition and several international art fairs such as ArtLima (Peru), Scope Art Fair (Miami) and La Feria Del Millón (Colombia). Rey's work has also appeared in books such as "Unlocked", by the Greek collective Atopos, and was chosen as one of the 145 most relevant visual artists and photographers on the web in 2015. His photographs in which he explores the physical structure and the possibilities of sculpture through photography have been featured in several publications in Colombia, USA, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Denmark and other countries.